What is Acne?
Acne is a common skin condition which affects most of the individuals during their lifetime. Acne is a condition of inflammation that is triggered by the oil glands of the face; however, it can be seen on the shoulders, back and, chest. The common terms used for acne are pimples or zits. The skin may have lesions like bumps, blackheads, whiteheads, cysts or boils as part of the acne. Often, a person with acne has one or more of these at the same time. Dermatologists usually grade the severity of acne by checking which type of lesions are most prominent.
What are the different types of acne?
The first lesion of acne is a blackhead or a comedone. This is the block of the oil gland and is usually composed of skin cells and oil and not of dirt as commonly believed. If the block of the oil gland is deeper inside the skin, one can see whiteheads. Some people have red bumps with or without a head of pus known as papules and pustules. When these appear bigger in size they are known as cysts.
Often, people with acne also develop large open pores and scars. These scars may be on the surface of the skin (appear red or darker than the normal skin) or may be elevated than the regular skin surface (hypertrophic scar) or depressed (atrophic scar). Scars symbolize long term structural damage to the skin.

What causes acne?
Acne is a chronic (long-lasting) disease associated with the oil-producing glands. Acne can be seen on the face, back or shoulders, and chest area. The initial step of acne formation is the development of a blackhead. This is because of the blockage at the exit of the oil gland. Once this happens, the oil or sebum accumulates in the tract. The bacteria which worsen acne known as Propionibacterium acne start to proliferate in the sebum. Then, the inflammation of the skin causes pus formation. Depending on the severity, either a red bump or a pus-filled pimple develops.
The formation of increased sebum and blackheads has definitely got a genetic predisposition. If individual parents had severe acne, then their offspring is likely to have severe acne too. Conditions such as increased junk food intake in the diet, including high sugars and dairy products (including protein supplements containing whey) also worsen acne. Obesity, lack of exercise, and physical activities also increase acne. In females, hormonal problems like delayed or irregular periods could signify Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and could worsen acne.
What is the role of diet in acne?
Remember when your mother told you not to eat too much chocolate as it would cause acne. She was right! There are a number of foods items that do cause acne, and now the research also proves it. Foods that you should avoid when you have acne are dairy products (including milk, cheese, butter, ghee, milkshakes, and ice creams), high sugar containing foods like desserts. Fried and spicy foods also make it to the list as they increase oil secretion. Junk food is a definite no-no!
Foods that help acne to get better include lots of fresh fruits, especially citrus fruits, and kiwis. And of course, you cannot go wrong with a salad.
What is the role of stress in acne?
Stress is a response of the body towards an emotional or a lifestyle situations. People suffer from work stress due to different work shifts, commute, and meeting deadlines. Also, due to the pace of life, there is increased stress. All these cause an increase in the release of the amount of adrenaline hormones, which behave to increase the sebaceous activity. Modification of lifestyle and stress do help in the reduction of acne and must be a part of the first line treatment of acne.

What is the role of exercise in acne?
Exercise reduces the circulating hormones and helps the skin to detox. This means fewer acne and less need for continuous oral medication. However, some people do experience a transient and temporary increase in acne after exercise. This will resolve itself in a couple of months.
It’s also crucial to pay attention to your diet, and avoid intake of protein supplement which contains whey protein, as it may worsen acne. Also, drink plenty of water in a day and to hydrate your skin after exercising which will also help in reducing acne.