Moles may appear anywhere in our body-from face to feet-and they are commonly harmless. Most of these moles are not of any of medical concern but rather a cosmetic concern.
Moles are skin growths made up of cells that produce colour (pigment). A can appear anywhere on the skin, alone or in groups. Most people get a few moles during their first 20 years of life. They are usually brown in colour but can be blue, black. Most moles are harmless and don’t cause pain or other symptoms unless you rub them.
Why Moles need to be treated?
Moles can be present anywhere on the body. They also increase in size with age. They do not need treatment usually. However if you do need to opt for cosmetic mole removal, then it is best to enlist the assistance of expert skin doctors. We also assess if a particular mole is cancerous and recommend immediate removal to prevent further complications arising from such dangerous moles.
Mole can be removed in any of these ways:
- Freezing – Freezing the mole with liquid nitrogen. Doctor will swab spray a small amount of super-cold liquid nitrogen on the mole. Which will have a small blister but it will heal on its own.
- Cutting / Burning – A LASER or an Electric current passes through wire that becomes hot and is used to burn off the upper layers of the skin. You may need more than one treatment to remove a mole. The procedure may hurt a little, but doctor will numb the area with an anaesthetic before beginning the procedure. If the procedure causes any bleeding, doctor may apply a medicine that helps to stop the bleeding. These procedures usually do not leave any scars or marks.
- Surgical – The surgery is performed under a local anaesthesia, which means that the surgical area will be completely numb. Sedate drug may be administered along with anaesthetic to help you feel relaxed during the procedure. During the surgery, moles are removed with a scalpel and the wound is closed with stitches. In some cases, the moles may be shaved down to the level of the surrounding skin.