Skin Lightening Treatment in Pune
Skin lightening, skin whitening, or fairness treatment! People in different countries call it by different names. These are nothing but treatments that give you a lighter skin tone. We at TOTAL SKINPRO CLINIC at the direction of Dr. Vishal Gore provide the best skin lightening treatment like chemical peels, skin bleaching, etc. The skin whitening treatment helps in making your skin fair, glowing, brighter along with improving the skin texture.
Skin whitening or brightening treatment at Celebrity Secrets is done for anyone who wants a light skin colour or who is troubled by tan, blemishes, spots, uneven skin tone, etc. People can benefit from this treatment by getting an even skin tone and better skin clarity.
In the present world beauty and looks of a person are very important and essential. We do a number of things day in day out to achieve that bright white glowing skin. Often this causes disappointment because we fail to achieve the fair. At Celebrity Secrets, we have a solution that is body whitening or skin whitening or lightening treatment. We use glutathione, vitamin C, & Collagen to whiten your skin colour.

How to get the skin lightening treatment done?
The first step you must take is, schedule the appointment with the dermatologist Dr. Vishal Gore and inform him of what type of skin tone you have in your mind. If you have a picture of the person having your desired skin tone, you can show the picture of the person to the dermatologists. One must remember, skin whitening or fairness treatment or face whitening treatment would produce effective results, but you must not expect miracles. An individual who has very dark skin cannot expect to become extremely fair and get a milky complexion.
After consulting Dr. Vishal, you can decide on an option based on your budget, requirement, and more importantly your health.
Is everyone suitable for skin whitening treatment?
Everyone is not suitable for permanent skin whitening treatment. Those who are not suitable for this treatment are listed below.
- Individuals having fever or cold sores
- People having a tendency to scar while taking chemical peel treatment for permanent skin whitening
- Individuals having a history of heart-related disorders
- People having really dark skin are also not suitable
Are the results of the Skin Whitening Treatment permanent?
If you desire to have lasting effects, then go for permanent skin whitening treatment such as chemical peel and laser, they offer permanent solutions whereas skin whitening cream only offers temporary results.
Skin Lightening Treatment Packages Available
If you are looking for restoring your even skin tone safely and effectively reputed skin clinics offer various packages of skin lightening treatments customized to match your specific grooming needs. You can choose from the following options based on the target area:
- Lightening treatment for full body
- Brightening procedure for facial skin
- Lightening treatment for underarms
- Brightening procedure for neck, hands, and feet
- Lightening treatment for private parts, including inner thighs
Special Precautions When Using a Skin Lightener
- Talk to Dr. Vishal before using a skin lightener and ask for specific instructions for the product.
- Make sure there is no mercury in the product. Mercury is sometimes listed under other names, such as calomel, mercuric, mercurous, or Mercurio.
- Make sure an over-the-counter skin lightener with hydroquinone has no more than 2% of that chemical.
- If a label lists hydroquinone but doesn’t say how much it contains, don’t assume it’s safe to use. Some foreign products contain more hydroquinone than is allowed in the U.S. and some labels may not be accurate.
If you have any questions about a product you are considering, talk with Dr. Vishal or the pharmacist to be certain it’s safe. Your dermatologist may also recommend other treatment options, such as chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and laser treatments.